Finding a New Beginning

December 16, 2010 | More from Money | Tags: ,

Finding a New Beginning

This Guy Was Stuck

I’ve been sitting here looking at the ice from my window and listening to Rush Limbaugh. Rush had a caller that has lost his job. It sounded like he worked in a warehouse, picking orders, driving a fork truck, that kind of thing. I probably don’t have to tell you that’s not a terribly in demand skill set.

Rush spent some time talking to him and was trying to guide him toward trying to make this a chance for a new life. If you can’t find a job, maybe you should make your own.

Rush was asking him if there was anything he’d always wanted to do, but couldn’t because he had to work? Did he have something he loved? Hobbies? That sort of think.

Do You Need a New Start Too?

Maybe you are in the same position as that caller. Maybe you need a new job to replace one you’ve just lost, Or you might just be tired of what you’re doing and want a more rewarding way to earn a living.

The first thing to do is take a survey of yourself. What do you know? What do you like? What work have you done? That sort of thing.

The goal is to find something that you’ll love doing – and do that.

This first step is really important and worth spending serious thought on.

This Free Workbook Will Help

Michael Campbell is a marketing coach and business teacher. He’s got years of experience in advertising, marketing and being self-employed.

He offers a workbook for doing this important self-discovery. He calls it “The Uncovery“.  Michael says:

The Uncovery answers the following questions;

  • What am I good at?
  • What will I enjoy doing?
  • How can I quit my day job.
  • How can I change my career?
  • How can I do what I love to do?
  • How can I make money online?
  • How can I do it working from home?

Most people who follow this exercise find hidden revenue streams. They connect the dots in ways they never thought of before.

The Uncovery is a 21 page pdf workbook. Best of all it’s free. You don’t even have to give him your email address.

Download it and work through it. It’s a great first step on your journey to being an Adult Boomer.


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